Animated Love Greeting Cards American Greeting E-Cards?

American Greeting E-Cards? - animated love greeting cards

A long time ago, maybe 6-7 years or less. American Greetings used to have an electronic card) (with animation. Section was in love, all started with a photo of the leaves, and spoke of peace, time, pigeons. Ultimately, I said love you - (with a photo black and white) of two boys kissing. I find this e-card or a video of him, everyone knows what I'm talking about where she is?


spunky said...

Hmmmm, I know that years of debate, but can not help you, sorry mate.
You can prove quite surprising Hallmark Cards, E, or you can also
Good Luck \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, 3

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