B-cell Lymphoma More Condition_symptoms Can Someone Share Their Experience With B Cell Lymphoma?

Can someone share their experience with B Cell Lymphoma? - b-cell lymphoma more condition_symptoms

My aunt had swollen glands in the neck by the end of December. After months of no response, a lot of running and recently, 3 transfusions of experience in less than a week and a half, the doctors finally realized a lump near his intestines and pancreas. We expect more, but the news today is that it has B-cell lymphoma. Why do doctors have dropped the ball for so long? If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with B-cell lymphoma, I would like to create your / their experience to hear. Do not hold back information that the concern for my feelings, as, of course I am worried, but I feel better informed me that in the darkness. Dietary recommendations? Any wisdom is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


Jenn said...

I do not know what lymphoma should receive support here. Since her aunt's B-cell non-Hodgkin's really do not know too much. I have a lot of research and found a lot of very good sides and a good message board to help us.

http://www.lymphomainfo.net/nhl/b-cell.h ...

http://forums.webmagic.com/ubbthreads/po ...

Anonymous said...

My husband had Birkett NHL. Doctors took forever to diagnose it. He had a large mass near her intestine and appendix. It causes your intestines to reduce reslted emergency purposes, which is how she was diagnosed.
I do not know how his lymphoma by their aunts, but it is different. It was very intense and aggressive cancer, but also one of the most treatable. Who are better than other chemotherapy. He is now in remission and well. Good luck.

a jaded angel said...

One of my friends had Hodgkins. I had very swollen lymph nodes Epstein-Bar. The best eat something if you have lymphoma, is flaxseed. I like mixing with milk. Broccoli sprouts are also good. It tastes like hell, but they have very strong sulforamides in cancer suppression. Green tea and acai berry juice is also very useful. Cat's Claw is take one of the most powerful herbs against cancer. I know a few people who made a full recovery after taking Cat's Claw. Stay away free of red meat and dairy products not only organic and hormone. Dark green romaine and cabbage are also good choices.

A website is really good www.naturalnews.com
Click cancer. Good luck to her aunt.

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